There’s Gold in Them (Digital) Hills, Published in New York Law Journal

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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) continues to be the beating heart of Martech. In an article published on 2/8, Heather Oden provides insight into CRM options that allow firms to work smarter and provide better client service.

“Knowing the history of our work with a client and their needs helps us ensure we are the first call they make when they need our legal services,” said Heather. “We are constantly analyzing CRM options that help us work smarter, both in use of technology and as a part of our business culture. After all, it all boils down to the client relationship in the end.”

The article discusses Martech; CRM tools, marketing, social media management, and metrics. The modern customer will continue to demand more personalized service, and Martech can help ensure that a business has a clear understanding of what a client needs before they know they need it.

To read the story in full, click here.

