Pandemic Paves the Way for Creative Swearing-In Ceremonies for New Florida Bar Members, Published in the OCBA’s The Briefs Magazine

The pandemic has created new ways for lawyers to be sworn into The Florida Bar. In a feature article published in the February issue of The Briefs, the Orange County Bar Association Magazine, Allana Smith is highlighted for her unique swearing-in ceremony.


“I had always been encouraged to become an attorney,” said Allana. “Growing up, I was taught that justice isn’t merely some wish we hope for — it’s something you are called to go out and pursue. I’ll never forget my swearing-in ceremony which, due to the pandemic, was in my living room conducted by my mom who is also an attorney. Certainly not how I pictured it but definitely a moment my family and I will always cherish.”


To read the article in full, click here (advance to page 19).
