Jim McDermott Featured in the Oregon State Bar Bulletin and Super Lawyers Oregon 2017

Jim McDermott was featured in both the Oregon State Bar Bulletin and Super Lawyers Oregon 2017 in July 2017 as a published author of his novel, Bitter is the Wind.

“Author! Author!: Why Do Lawyers Write Fiction?” by Jennie Bricker, appeared in the July 2017 edition of the Oregon State Bar Bulletin.

“As a litigator, you are constrained by the facts,” he says, “but with fiction, you can fuse your imagination with your experiences to create a more poignant story.”

“Where He’s Calling From” by Andrew Engelson, appeared in Super Lawyers Oregon 2017.

“You have to have analytical, cogent arguments that make logical sense to judges, juries and to opposing counsel—because most cases are actually settled. If you can infuse the analytical argument with an emotional tug, I think you make it more compelling.”

“Where He’s Calling From” appears on page 8.
