Ball Janik LLP Joins the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Oregon (IIABO)

Ball Janik LLP is pleased to be a new Allied Member of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Oregon.

Ball Janik represents policyholders in disputes with their insurers; the IIABO’s customers are our clients. Our Insurance Recovery practice is widely considered an industry leader among Pacific Northwest law firms.

Ball Janik’s attorneys have successfully resolved claims and lawsuits in a wide range of insurance areas, recovering substantial proceeds from hundreds of domestic and foreign insurers. To secure the most cost-effective outcome for clients, we pursue negotiation opportunities when prudent, consider alternative dispute resolution techniques when they hold promise, and go to court when necessary.

Our practice runs the gamut from large-scale litigation on behalf of corporate policyholders under complex occurrence-based and claims-made coverages, to individual claims under property, disability, health, and other personal policies. We are regularly retained by national, and international, brokers and agents and reinsurance intermediaries when they become enmeshed in coverage disputes or litigation. We also provide proactive strategic coverage advice to clients and represent them throughout the process of resolving claims.

Ball Janik looks forward to working with Oregon’s independent insurance agents and brokers. We can be a professional asset to you and your customers, including:

  • representing agents and producers in defending professional-malpractice claims, including claims alleging failure to procure requested coverage, failure to ensure adequate limits, negligent placement with insolvent insurer, binding coverage without authority, and failure to advise about uncovered risks.
  • advising agents and producers about changes in Oregon and Washington law, including new insurance-related opinions from the appellate courts and new statutory changes from the legislatures.
  • assisting agents and producers in advising insured in responding to an insurer’s denial of a claim, its evaluation of a claim (including perennial areas of dispute like business-interruption coverage), or the conduct of the insured’s defense under a reservation-of-rights letter; where necessary, we can (and regularly do) represent insureds in coverage litigation.
